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Applied Kinesiology
Applied Kinesiology is a remarkably holistic model of health care. It incorporates too many things to list here in any digestible form, and thus can appear significantly different from practitioner to practitioner, as we all gravitate to whatever techniques (therein) resonate and prove most effective for each of us. ( Please click here for the PAK home page, and a more in depth explanation of AK; read below for the basics.)
In a nutshell, AK gives us a much larger ‘bag o’ tricks’ with which to approach any issue or challenge a patient may present with. All the major muscle groups of the body have been correlated with an organ system, and thereby can be approached with further-specified nutritional therapy, if shown as necessary or helpful.
These muscles also correlate to a couple of reflexes, called neurovascular (discovered and documented by an MD/Embryologist) and neurolymphatic (also called Chapman’s reflexes, developed by another MD). These are points on the body that often facilitate lymphatic flow to, or neural function of a muscle, which in turn has a rather huge effect on the proper movement of any associated joints, as well as any compensatory strain in any neighboring muscles or fascia.
Every muscle also has an associated acupuncture meridian. We test for any obvious dysfunction and manipulate according to traditional 5-Element acupuncture. Some AK docs I know have studied acupuncture very intensively for many years, and while I hope to have more time for that in my future, I am very aware that we are surrounded by some of the better acupuncturists on the continent. If I am unable to effect a change in function in a meridian system in 1-2 sessions, I refer out to one of our fabulous practitioners for a more in-depth work up.
Each muscle is also connected to a vertebral level, -the Chiropractic part of AK- where the neural function of a muscle can be compromised in a number of different ways. The correction of these fixations, misalignments, subluxations, even sprains, etc, is a skill which is the foundation of the Chiropractic Profession.
In addition to these basic five tenets, there is (when applicable) extensive, specific use of multiple muscle and connective tissue manipulation techniques. These provide significant long-term stability to whichever structural changes were made during the session, and sometimes even represent the principal correction that is needed.
By ‘specific’, I mean that each modality or reflex is tested on the muscle group in question, using neurologically and orthopedically sound muscle testing, and if the therapy is going to be beneficial, it will be obvious to both the Doctor and the patient. The practice of AK is incredibly fun, usually for both parties. Only the techniques that are a) proven to be effective in that case, and b) are in every way comfortable and agreed to by the patient are utilized in each case.
Care at Synergic Health is a two-way street, and we operate as a Team, always. Dr. Erin will always offer what wisdom she feels applies to the patient’s case, but any program we put together (stretches, muscle work, nutritional therapy, lifestyle recommendations, meditation, breath work, weight-training recommendations, etc…) will be shaped by their needs, availability of time / energy in the patient’s day, their motivation, compliance, and familial/workplace support. Each patient’s experience here differs from every other. We truly do our best to tailor any care to the patient, and whatever issue they may need assistance with. Our care is available in whatever size and depth of package (and time) that suits each patient, and they know we are always here for them, when they are ready for the next step on their journey.
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