Energy Work/Intuitive Healing
These services are now booked via our new website, drerinsepic.com and there is additional information available there, as well as contact forms for scheduling sessions, which are done remotely via phone. Please enjoy a brief description here,
Notes from the Doctor:
I have been using my intuition for many years in my work with patients, and it has proven both very effective for them, as well as incredibly rewarding for me as a practitioner. In the last year it has become a larger part of my work and taken on its own identity in this therapeutic context. It may sound strange or unfamiliar as a modality to many of you, but it is simply what results when there is a genuine, and clear connection between client/patient and practitioner. When a caregiver is truly present with and focused on you, they have a far greater capacity to utilize their intuitive abilities (we all have them) and gain information that is helpful for many aspects of your life.
I have been studying this work formally for 12 years now, and am a graduate of the 2 year extended Clairvoyant Program, the Teachers and Leaders Program and several other 2 year curricula at the Intuitive Awareness Center in Fairfax, VT. We study there under the tutelage of Dr. Gayle P. Myers (M.D.) and Gwyneth Flack. I choose to consistently place myself in a structured context so that I and my classmates can continue to hone these skills and I can bring more and more effective service to my clients and patients.
Intuitive work has been invaluable in my own personal experience, and I am delighted to be able to share it with my clients, as its most supportive to clients in my private practice.